The 80’s was an era all about less being more. No one questioned you if you walked out of your house with bright, yellow pants and a green tee on like they would now. Back then, the more you stood out of the crowd the better and that meant colours. Bright, extreme colours.

The 1980s fashion trends were all about blue mascara, yellow eyeshadow, shoulder pads and parachute pants.
A lot of the clothes were unisex and worn by all genders which meant that the fashion industries standards were very blurred. People could express themselves through clothes, fashion, and their extremely big hair! The real question is, how 80’s are you?
Whether you’re all about the fingerless gloves, netted tights or even a rainbow striped shirt – you might not be just 80’s enough for the actual 80’s. Pop artists like Madonna, Prince and Michael Jackson helped to shape the fashion industry of the times. This is mostly likely because music and 1980s fashion trends go hand in hand. The most influential people of the 80’s were stars and celebrities involved in music – the 80’s didn’t really have famous designers to set the trends, it was all down to the musicians.
The 80’s was a decade of bold colours, styles and trends that left a giant mark on the whole of fashion. So huge that even now, people still have 80’s themed parties and Halloween get-togethers. The 1980s fashion trends were surrounded by big names and big everything, you weren’t thought of as good enough if you didn’t stand out from everyone else.
Is a backcomb brush an essential in your handbag?
You’re not truly an 80’s superstar unless you have extremely back-combed hair. By this, I mean combed to the maximum. Many 80’s people chose to style their hair with fancy clips and bright flowers on the side of their hair.

Neon sweatbands were very popular to pair with your big hair. It’s different from 60’s hair in the way that they didn’t flatten the top layer, it all stayed messy. Do you often go out with ‘bed-head’? If you don’t, then you’re definitely not 80’s. Get your back-comb brush out and tease it till it feels like it’s going to fall out, then you’re 80’s through and through.
Do you own bright coloured hoop earrings?
A fabulous asset to come out of the 1980s fashion trends was the classic hoop earring. They’d been around for a while, originating back to ancient Greece but bright, thick coloured hoop earrings debuted just before the 80’s. This made them really popular when everyone wanted to dress themselves up and rock the bright, hoop earring look.
They’re not for everyone these days and it’s quite rare that anyone wears them but sometimes for a night out they can look rather funky. Whether they’re pink, yellow, or orange, any colour of these hoops looks super cool and ready to party! Get a pair of these earrings for your jewellery box and you’re ready to be an 80’s babe!
How many fanny packs do you really own?
Possibly the staple of the 1980’s is the classic, fanny pack. In case you’re not aware of what it is and who wore it; it’s a small zip-lock bag that is attached to a belt and strapped around your hips. A lot of people use them if they’re going out to festivals or events where they don’t want to take a handbag but need some sort of bag to put their money in. It was truly an 80’s essential and if we’re honest with you, a trend that definitely should have been left there.

Unfortunately, the rise of the fanny pack trend is on the rise again which means you’ll see them about more than ever. Let’s be honest, you’re not a real 80’s queen if you can’t rock a pink, zebra printed fanny pack.
Do you rock a bomber jacket when you’re out?
Towards the later 80’s, teenage girls and boys started walking around in bomber jackets. Many of them got confused with being in the Air Force Academy but nevertheless, they still did it anyway. Toning down the bright colours, this style of jacket was worn in navy, khaki, or brown by many teens.

The lining of them was normally bright orange (they didn’t want those bright colours to die out anytime soon!) but they were obviously covered by the coat itself. Paired with a small, woollen scarf this bomber jacket was worn even in the height of summer. Just because it was fashionable, teens thought it would be a good idea to wear them throughout the different seasons. They made a brief return in the early 2010’s but nothing too much to worry about. People realised they did nothing for showing off your figure and they aren’t even that warm so they decided to get rid. Lucky really, we’re not the biggest fans!
How many pairs of parachute pants do you have?
Nothing is more 80’s than wearing a good old pair of parachute pants, they’re a staple in your 80’s wardrobe. Whether they’re paired with a cute crop top and a denim jacket or a skimpy leotard and bomber jacket, nothing beats this for the ultimate 80’s look. 1980’s fashion wouldn’t be what is known to be without parachute pants and although they aren’t so popular these days, you can always count that someone would have been wearing them just over 30 years ago.
They came and still come in so many different styles, the general style is just a full colour (like yellow or red) then some lining detail but towards the end of the 80s, printing became popular too. People would get parachute pants with leopard print or zebra print on, for example. If it was Summer, Winter, or Fall it didn’t matter. This fashion trend was history changing.
So, the 80’s wasn’t just about trendy skirts and denim jackets. More about the colours and become a rainbow using your clothes. Do you still think you’re 80’s now? Or is it not really your thing? If not and you want to be, make sure you’re up to date on all the latest 80s fashion trends!
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